
DIY Tumblr Tote

WhatIWore: How many canvas totes do you have hiding in the depths of your closet? A lot?! Me too! I took my favorite (compliments of those fine folks at tumblr) and did a little DIY magic on it! Behold! A weekend’s worth of needlepoint and applique!

Wanna do your own version? Here are the supplies I used:

  • Free tote bag
  • Multi-pack of floss (this thicker kind was intended for friendship bracelets on the package. Kool.)
  • Crewel/Needlepoint Needle
  • Remnant Fabric (I used denim from my DIY sandals)

Here’s what I started with: A basic, cotton canvas tote bag.  Before I could start my needlepoint, I cut along the side seams so I was only working with the top half of the bag.

Next I filled in the “reblog” and leaves with a free form stitch. I made it up as I went, making sure to get even fill in all of the leaves.

After I had completed all of the fill in (it probably took about 10-12 hours, nerd alert), I pressed the entire design with a hot steam iron. This flattened the puckering made by all of stitching.

I quickly realized that I wasn’t going to have the patience to fill in the huge ‘t’ and ‘tumblr’ with needlepoint, so instead I chose to use some denim scraps left over from a past project.

For a flawless fit, I traced the letters using some scrap (and sheer) muslin and then cut my applique fabric.

I attached the large ‘t’ by machine, but did the smaller letters by hand.  The edges have been left raw and I hope with use they fray out nicely.

Finally, with right sides together, I sewed the original bag back together.

And there you have it! Go forth and spiff up that old canvas tote!

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