With every season, Tory Burch‘s handbag collection just keeps getting better. She’s managed to master the sleek, uptown-casual feel that we’ve all been wishing Kate Spade would figure out for years, and she continues to do it at a surprisingly reasonable price point.
Burch’s latest release is just as good as the recent past would indicate – the Tory Burch Norah Glazed Femme Satchel is simple and functional, but it doesn’t lack distinct personality or a heaping helping of style. Whoever is designing accessories for Burch deserves a raise.
Not only is the design of the bag great, but can we talk about the color for a moment? This shade of yellow screams summer-to-fall transition. It’s bright enough to wear with a linen sundress but it has enough depth to pair with a heavier knit or darker colors once cooler weather starts. If you’ve never owned a yellow bag before, you’d be surprised at how versatile they can be. Buy through Bloomingdale’s for $495.