>> It's just as well that I've been unable to type at normal speed and fluidity seeing as the day has been rife with distractions. This morning, the people from Smart dropped off the Dazed-customised SMART car at the office which caused a bit of an internal photo frenzy. Gary Card, who's a regular Dazed/Another collaborator came up with the mad design for the car. Felt like the only doofus in the place that can't drive (I'll say it again...I'd be a danger to myself and others on the road...). You may see this colourful thing whizzing around London doing fashion returns/repro runs....
Speaking of the cardmeister, I'm sure a lot of you have already seen these pics by The Selby of Gary and his partner's apartment... a few questions need to be asked about the ma-hussive primary coloured platforms I think...